Trials and tribulations of a patient in search of a bone marrow transplant

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Way Things Were

Steven always loved the mountains, here in Switzerland.

On Thanksgiving one year ago, the world seemed normal. Steven had Thanksgiving dinner for the whole family at his house. He actively helped Lisa with the dinner. I noticed he had to rest several times and that he really looked terrible. I was very concerned and insisted he go to the doctor immediately for bloodwork. But who had any idea what the terrible diagnosis would be?

We have all made it through this anniversary Thanksgiving without Steven. Lisa and the kids went to her brother's in Florida. David and I went to Alex's. Having it be totally different probably helped us through.
Here are some photos of happier times, the way we want to remember Steven.
Here at three, a happy little "blonde".
On top of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan with the Pyramid of the Moon in the background.
In New Orleans, playing Monopoly with David, Lydia and Alexa.

Steven and Lisa on their wedding day, with his Andrews grandparents. His Grandmother was very ill at the time, but she didn't want to miss his wedding.
Steven and Lisa in Budapest at Gerbaud's.
Alexa finally arrives, utter joy. Steven and I had a quick lunch of chicken fried steak at his old favorite, Massey's, while we were waiting. He was so anxious, he couldn't wait to touch her.
Then Andrew comes along, just look at Steven's face!
A trip to New Orleans to show Andrew off to Paul. Can't even imagine Paul kissing babies but here's photographic proof.
Again, I want to say thank you to all the friends who helped us all get through this terrible time. And thank you to Steven's donor who gave him a chance. And a huge thank you to the staff and doctors on the Bone Marrow Transplant floor. All of the nurses who knew him so well and had been kind and efficient through some terrible times, became angels there at the end. I thought I would remember everyone's name forever, but somehow I have forgotten many, although not their faces and their kind acts. I do remember big, strong Darnell who was there for just anything Steven needed that last week. Bless them all.

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Blogger Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

wonderful pictures to remember a favourite son by:) Sending strength and healing for you. Didn't you have a fabulous surprise this weekend from over the pond:))

December 1, 2008 at 9:14 AM


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