Trials and tribulations of a patient in search of a bone marrow transplant

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Ordeal Continues, Day 6

Chemo infusions are over. They are taking pretty good care of Steven on 6 Roberts. He is neutropenic, but no infections or fevers or vomiting or intestinal problems (yet). His creatin is within normal range, although the BUN is creeping up a bit. Liver numbers still good, too. They lowered the amount of fluids they were giving him today, which should allow him a little more sleep. His heartrate is more stable.

Miracle of miracles, the insurance seems to have approved a second transplant (verbal, not in writing yet) and the team has requested a work-up on a donor found last time. A double C mismatch. They had two or three others that were the same as his first donor, a single mismatch, but they decided to go with one which might give more GVHD. If everything went as smooth as glass (which we know it never does), we could be looking at an early October transplant. That would depend on if the donor is still available and willing, passes the physical, and can schedule the draw quickly. Now we have to see how Steven gets through this chemo and how effective it was on the leukemia counts.


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